Frequently Asked Questions [ FAQ ]
Q. How can a plastic leg be as strong as a metal bed frame?
A. Advances in plastics make it possible. New cars aren’t made of metal. They’re plastic. And unlike metal, plastic doesn’t require smelting pots and produces waste that is recycled back into other products.
Q. If Universal Bedlegs® have been around for over 40 years, why have I never seen them ?
A. Chances are you have slept over them. Universal Bedlegs® have been purchased and installed in a wide variety of hotels around the world – including the Khartoum, Pasadena and Grand Hawaiian Hiltons, Hyatt Lake Las Vegas, The Fairmonts San Francisco and New Orleans, the “W” New Orleans and Seattle, as well as being a standard for Motel 6, Trendwest Resorts and Suburban Lodge. Most people never think to look under the bed!
Q. How can the Universal Bedlegs System® extend the life of my bedding?
A. Many beds come with free frames. These frames are small gauge, inexpensive give away units that provide inadequate, if any, center support. Center support is necessary to keep your mattress from sagging in the middle. By providing enough support to equally distribute the weight on the mattress, your mattress won’t sag- and will not need to be replaced as soon as a unit without center support. Additionally, the omni-directional glide on the Universal Bedleg® allows you to rotate your boxspring in the same manner as your mattress, so the boxspring will wear evenly, therefore extending the life of your bed unit.
Q. When will the Bedlegs made from 100% recycled material be available?
A. They are available for purchase now!