Universal Bedlegs – The Bedframe Alternative

More than 4 decades ago, an innovative entenpreneur recognized a major problem with bedframes.  They were bulky, costly, and quite expensive to ship.  On top of that, many options were low-quality and unsightly.  Often, the sharp edges of the bedframe resulted in torn linens or bruised shins.  These issues greatly impacted the hospitality industry where it is commonplace to order large quantities of mattresses/foundations with frames.

As a solution to this problem, the Universal Bedleg product was created.  The new product solved all these issues.  The product was compact, strong, long-lasting, less costly, inexpenive to ship, and had a sleek profile unlike the unsightly metal bedframes.

Several years later, the product evolved further.  During this evolution, a common base plate was created.  For the first time, consumers  had the option of choosing the leg height.  Options include 3″, 5″, 7″ or 10″.  All leg sizes are interchangable, should you need to change your bed height.  Also, during this redesign, a green-friendly, fully recycled product option was created.

The marketplace underwent a remarkable transformation with the introduction of UPS deliverable mattresses conveniently packaged in a box.  We are currently in the research and development phase of engineering a solution for beds without box springs.

#1 Bedframe Alternative

With 40 years in business, we’ve grown a cottage bed support business into a booming company that supplies some of the world’s most respected and recognized hotel brands with our product.  And because our bedlegs are quickly becoming the standard in the hospitality industry, we’ve opened sales to residential home customers, as well.

Whether you are a bedding manufacturer, retailer, hotel owner, distributor or an individual looking for the best foundation support system available, Universal Bedlegs provides you with a quality product, which we stand behind with outstanding customer service.

Why Universal Bedlegs?

Kiss that metal bedframe goodbye
Create extra storage space
Choose from 4 heights:  3″, 5″, 7″, or 10″
Graduate the bed height as kids grow
Never bang your shins again

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